
Understanding Problem in Couple

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Couples in love are the most beautiful sight to watch, the way they show their affections towards each other and care. Makes the on lookers feel happy to watch them giggle as they walk pass others; it’s like spring time even when it snows or rain. Like every relationship that go through every thick and thin, it also has its hard time. It happens especially when there is understanding problem in couple which can be a very tough thing to overcome. There are various cases as the present scenario of both partners working in top organization makes it hard for them to deal due to lack of time for each other, hectic schedules and work pressure from their superiors and the worst is being suspicious to the spouse all the time.

If the issue is not take care delicately and with respect to the difference in personality between them can cause to serious arguments that will ultimately take an ugly turn and end up hurting each other. One of the most important causes of it is due to large gap of communication. Taking every issue to a limit which is unbearable for the partner and serious lack of time for them to sit together and talk like adults to handle the situation. Faulty use of language and unnecessary talks only adds more fuel to couples understanding problem and lead them astray from one another like as if they are mortal enemies. Resulting to lack of cooperation and faith to make it work out.